To help needy families our organization “I am Mom” works actively according to the program “To be healthy in order to live” which includes the following directions:

  1. We help children with medicines

Our organization buys medicines for children according to the prescribed recipes from the doctors. Periodicity: full time, according to needs of our families.


2.   Providing children with diapers

Most children with disabilities cannot serve themselves in their physiological needs that’s why they need diapers for the most part of their lives, and such things of personal care are of great help for their moms. Periodicity: full time, on request.


3.   Stomatology

The clinic “The white smile” is our partner which provides free and high-quality dentistry for our moms.


4.    Fitness and relax-therapy for women

Children with disabilities start to walk very late (3-5 years), so mothers have to carry them for a long time. Many children are confined to a wheelchair to the end of their lives. Mothers of such children have problems with spine.  That’s why fitness programs are very popular among them. Our fitness coaches Natalia Humeniuk and Olena Herus, relax-therapy coach olha Humeniuk are always ready to help.


5.  Nutritionist’s, homeopath’s and cosmetologist’s consultations

All children need healthy mothers, especially it is important to be healthy for mothers who have disabled children. Oxana Slobodian teaches women the basics of good nutrition, recommends how to treat a child without antibiotics, gives advice for skin care to be a real woman.


6.  Health is beauty

Our beauty professionals Natalia Krivushina and Zoya Havryliuk give consultations about beauty secrets, cosmetics, make-up, perfumes, art-visage. After such classes our women remembered that they are beautiful. They turn into real queens. As a result –  smiles, happiness and shine in their eyes.


7.  Hippotherapy (horseback riding)

Hippotherapy- method of rehabilitation with the help  of therapeutic horseback riding. The course consists of 3 phases, each of 8 classes. We pay for the course provided:

  • Prescription of the doctor:
  • Preliminary consultation with a coach;
  • Financial ability for current period.

The result: one of the boys after 5 years of silence SPOKE.


8.  To swim is FUN

The project “To swim is FUN” started in November, 12. Now disabled children have a possibility to have free classes in the swimming pool, 2 times a week, 2 groups of 6 kids (mothers are in water together with children).


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